Is CBD a liable choice for endometriosis? With CBD’s potential pain relief qualities, it makes sense why people would look into it for various issues. One use of CBD with endometriosis is to relieve symptoms potentially and it being a natural remedy helps its case with people waiting to be diagnosed. CBD is not about curing but simply assisting people with symptoms.
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a chronic condition that can be found in men. However, the majority of cases are in women between the ages of 25-40; This affects over 1.5 million women in the UK. The cause of this is endometrial material forming around different places instead of the uterine lining. This causes intense pains, cysts, fertility issues and scarring!
Traditional endometriosis pain treatment involves painkillers, hormonal treatment, and sometimes both. Surgery is used in severe cases.

Can CBD help with Endometriosis?
Being able to answer this with concrete facts is extremely difficult. This is primarily due to it having to have many direct studies with CBD and endometriosis. This means, like a lot of current CBD knowledge, it will not be seen as medication until we can prove exactly how it works. Primarily due to the complete understanding needed before confirming any effects of CBD. However, placebo trials have shown benefits from CBD. That benefit cannot be labelled due to the endocannabinoid system being different in everyone.
Thankfully, in 2018 CBD was officially removed from WADA prohibited substances list. This meant studies could return with one of the most recent studies showing CBD can stop endometriotic cells from migrating by preventing the GPR18 receptors. With this being a good sign for endometriosis patients, more research is needed, but it is promising that CBD stops endometriotic cells from migrating. This prevents cells from going to the body’s incorrect areas, which would cause painful endometriosis symptoms.
CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids may help improve symptoms; however, given the ECS’s role within the uterus, more research should look into CBD’s substantial role in Endometriosis. Currently, two studies are looking into endometriosis.
The first clinical trial is an open-label phase II studying a 1:1 ratio of CBD and THC administered in endometriosis patients. The second trial is in a phase III double-blind placebo study. Here patients will be administered norethindrone acetate, a hormonal treatment, along with 10 or 20mg of CBD for managing endometriosis pain. We are excited to see the results of these trails!
CBD is not a cure, as the cause of endometriosis is unclear. But CBD could be a resource for potentially managing symptoms such as pain and helping with moods.
Other treatments include dietary changes, traditional analgesics, and heat such as a TENS machine, heat pads or hot water bottles.
Whichever you choose, CBD can provide a natural, non-addictive supplement to any of the above measures. However, seeking medical advice is always wise before starting any new treatment. To see our range of CBD products, click here.