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2022 Cannabidiol (CBD) Clinical Trials and Research

If you are interested, you can find countless more up-and-coming CBD-related clinical trials here!

What’s Happening in the World of CBD?

The Federal Drug Administration is Taking CBD Seriously

The FDA has released an article on its recent research and commitments to CBD, and that it acknowledges the additional work needed to build data on CBD in order to FDA approve more products for medical purposes. They “believe that ongoing efforts to systematically collect data on…CBD are important” and “are engaging with stakeholders to advance this work” – good news for CBD producers and users alike!

Using CBD to Battle Opium in Afghanistan

As CBD becomes more and more well-known, charity Hemp Aid are working with humanitarian workers to transport CBD into Afghanistan to help tackle the opium industry, as well as the food shortage crisis – in fact, hemp fibre can be used to make bread seven or eight times more nutritious, with no taste drawbacks! Hemp Aid wants to use CBD to tackle Afghanistan’s growing opium industry, which currently supplies the majority of the world’s heroin.

Providing Pain Relief with CBD

CBD is often mainly marketed as a pain reliever, and in 2021, another study was conducted on these believed properties, by Martin de Vita, Stephen Maisto, and Dezarie Moskal. Inducing experimental heat pain, the trio administered a mixture of CBD and placebos (including telling some participants they were receiving CBD when they actually were given a placebo, and vice versa), and found that generally a combination of the pharmacological and psychological effects of CBD gave improvements in pain. Curiously, they found that, rather than just reducing pain intensity, CBD helped reduce the way pain felt in participants, meaning they were less bothered by it and could go about their daily lives as they would choose to. The trio used pure CBD isolate oil in their study, not unlike those that we produce and sell here at Hemp Well – it’s good to know that CBD pain relief is a universal experience!

Can CBD Help Fight COVID-19?

A recently published study has shown there is significant evidence that CBD may be able to help prevent COVID-19. A significant negative association with positive COVID tests and those taking Epidiolex, the FDA-approved CBD drug for treating epilepsy, has been noticed, and researchers are now keen to carry out clinical trials to determine if CBD could be used as a prevention/early treatment for COVID-19. Initially testing CBD due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it has been found to directly inhibit COVID spread in three types of cells, and for four variants of COVID-19. And now real world data is showing that patients taking CBD are less likely to test positive for COVID – we’re looking forward to seeing more evidence unfold!

CBD Helps with Mental Health in Observational Study

A recent observational study examining pain, anxiety, depression symptoms, and wellbeing in 279 participants over the age of 18 showed that CBD treatment can have a positive impact on mental health for people with moderate to severe symptoms. In addition to this, adding THC to the CBD did not seem to have any effect – another piece of evidence that CBD is a viable alternative to cannabis.

24 Recognised Benefits of CBD

This 2022 article covers 24 benefits of CBD, which have been researched/studied to some extent. Some examples of these are epilepsy, inflammation, cancer, addiction, arthritis, mental health disorders, and numerous more. A great place to look for your particular need and find a study to support safe CBD use for your condition!