Kerry Hutton, CEO Huttons Health

I was 37 when I found out I was perimenopausal. This has had a significant impact on my life as I was also trying for a baby. Being informed by a specialist that I had 2% chance of falling pregnant while all my friends were having children crushed me. Then symptoms started … Severe night sweats, joint pain, restless legs, lack of sleep, and lowered libido. Not to mention anxiety and depression with suicidal thoughts. I was obsessed with having a child however after 3 years of research, spending a fortune on fad remedies and tablets, and my then relationship falling apart, I finally came to terms with the fact that my life and my urge to have a child had to change. 

I decided to put all my efforts into researching and better understanding menopause and all that it brings along. I realised that I was on my own on this journey as none of my friends could relate to my experience and I had nobody to talk to. However, my then career path helped. As a beauty therapist I found the courage to start talking about what I was going through with some of my clients. By doing so not only did I realise that I was not alone on this journey, but I also found relief in being able to relate to others who were experiencing similar symptoms, it was comforting to finally know I was not going crazy.

And so, it all began!

Talking to more and more people who were going through what I was going through gave me the kick start I needed and an urge to help and support women like me. There were baby steps … I started a local menopause support group to try and build the foundation for a safe place where women like me can feel safe, comfortable, be able to relate and most importantly not feel alone … like I did. One thing led to another. Through conversations, sharing experiences, by comforting each other and of course a few giggles the light bulb lit and the idea of creating a menopause supplement emerged. It of course involved even more research that needed time, patience, enthusiasm, and resilience. 

It all paid off though. I found out that the number of supplements a woman going through menopause has to take is considerably higher than a woman who is not experiencing menopause. Why is that? Because our menopausal bodies need more help than a non-menopausal body would. So, by combining all the essential vitamins that a menopausal body needs with a touch of CBD Hutton’s Menopause Support came to life. Look at it like this: 

  • One tablet a day (rather than 6 to 7 tablets a day)
  • Easy and affordable
  • No more countless supplement containers 
  • It really works!

So, what does it do?

  • Stabilises moods 
  • Assists in reducing depression and anxiety 
  • Reduces insomnia and balances sleep patterns 
  • Increases energy levels
  • Helps relieve joint pains
  • Calms restless legs 
  • Diminishes hot flushes 
  • Prevents headaches 
  • Supports cognitive function
  • Improves the appearance of your skin (who doesn’t want that?)
Did you know that one third of women in the UK are currently going through the menopause?

Top tip!

DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE! Hutton’s Menopause Support supplement contains the correct daily dose of vitamins and hemp that us ladies need while on this journey. Tests and studies have proven this significantly helps. Just one vegan friendly capsule per day!

Where does our CBD come from?

Our products are made from CBD-rich hemp plants which have been organically grown in Europe, from EU approved hemp seeds. Both soil and water analysis has been conducted in the fields prior to cultivation and then additional tests for pesticides and heavy metals have been undertaken to ensure our CBD is of the highest standard available in the UK. The THC is fully removed before our products are made ensuring they are safe, legal and of the highest quality.

Our manufacturing process

Hemp Well Laboratory, York Science Park

Our menopause capsules are manufactured by Hemp Well Limited, one of the leading CBD supplements suppliers in the UK. Our capsules were in pre-production and testing for 6 months before we confirmed the final formulation after various trials has been undertaken with my menopause support group.